15 April 2024, 19:00–21:00, Pullens Centre, 184 Crampton Street, SE17 3AE
The 2023-24 Pullens TRA Committee has had a busy and productive year. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an opportunity to reflect on the community’s achievements and collectively determine the new Committee’s priorities for the coming year. This is your opportunity to hold your community representatives to account and lend your own voice to the discussions.
Do you have a concern, interest, or professional experience in any of these topics?
- Community engagement (Pullens Festival 2024, Film Club, Pullens Yards Opens)
- Environment (Waste management, Building planning, Gardens and Pocket Parks)
- Maintenance & Resident Services (Major Works, Communal Repairs, Resident Services)
- Pullens Centre Management (Making the community centre work for everyone)
- Fundraising (putting together applications for funding for events or projects)
If so, please attend the AGM and consider standing as a member of the Committee.
Draft AGM Agenda:
Election of a new Committee
At the AGM the current Committee will be dissolved and a new Committee elected. This group of residents volunteer to:
- represent the views and interests of everyone living on the estate;
- work in partnership with Southwark Council to help make the neighbourhood a better place to live;
- give up some of their time to organise and attend committee meetings.
Any resident can choose to stand for a Committee or an Officer role. We will be recruiting:
- An unlimited number of Committee Members, who attend meetings, participate in discussions, contribute expertise, and represent the broader community;
- A Chair, who encourages discussions leads the meetings by setting an agenda ensuring everyone gets a chance to express their views and understand decisions;
- A Vice Chair, who heads up the meetings when the Chair can’t attend steps in when needed;
- A Secretary, who helps prepare and distribute the agenda for meetings takes and circulates minutes;
- A Treasurer, who looks after the TRA’s finances.
Training is available for all Committee members. If you have any questions, suggestions, or are unable to attend, please write to contact@pullenstra.org.