Pullens Estate cleaning

Cleaning of the estate is overseen by Southwark Council’s Environment and Leisure team, and is paid for by residents through the service charge (for leaseholders) or rent (for tenants). At present there are three cleaners working across the estate, each assigned with fourteen blocks. The following scope of work should be expected.

What to expect


  • Sweeping/litter picking of internal communal areas

Twice per week:

  • Sweeping and mopping of internal communal areas


  • Cleaning of internal fixtures and fittings

Twice per year:

  • Washing of walls
  • Cleaning of internal face of glazing

As required:

What to do if you are disappointed by the cleaning service

If you feel that cleaning of your block is not being carried out to the schedule outlined above, report your concerns to Southwark Council.

  1. Use the ‘FixMyStreet’ tool: https://report.southwark.gov.uk/
  2. Raise the issue with the team leader:
    Teresa Rodrigues
    Area Supervisor, Environment and Leisure, Southwark Council
    0207 525 1647
  3. Follow Southwark Council’s Complaints procedure: https://forms.southwark.gov.uk/ShowForm.asp?fm_fid=726