Pullens TRA Committee News, May 2023

The Pullens TRA 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 26 April 2023. A primary purpose of the AGM was to elect a set of TRA officers to serve a 1-year term. Those officers elected are:

  • Michael Hammer, Chair
  • Tom Scutt, Vice Chair
  • Vincent Brown, Treasurer
  • Dylan Atkins, Secretary

Nine other residents were elected as non-officer, supporting, committee

The minutes of the AGM were reviewed and adopted at a TRA Committee
meeting this past Monday, 15 May 2023.

The next two TRA Committee meetings will take place in the Pullens Centre at 7 PM
on Mondays, 12 June 2023 and 10 July 2023

Please use the contact@pullenstra.org email address to send any questions,
requests, suggestions, information or other communications you may have for
your TRA Committee.