Pullens Promenade Theatre ~ with Crampton Primary Children

 On Thursday 16th October 2014 Pullens Promenade Theatre took another play to the streets of Pullens-this time with Crampton Primary pupils, Y5 learning about local history-Southwark and Pullens.

What a fantastic way to learn!


Thank you Ness and  the Crew for bringing such a delight to local children!



Pullens TRA is looking forward on hosting Pullens Promenade Theatre during Pullens Winter Open Studios on 6th December 2014 so watch out for flyers!

About the play:
Pullens Promenade Theatre is a narrated thirty-minute walk around the Pullens, with interactive theatre based on the history of the Pullens, from it’s inception in 1886 to the modern day.

The audience congregate in Pullens Gardens, and then go to Penton Place, down Iliffe Street past Clement’s Yard and Peacock Yard, into Crampton Street, paying a visit to the Pullens Centre, and past Iliffe Yard back to Pullens Gardens.

It is written and directed by local playwright Ness Lyons and the company are four professional actors and two local children.
