Pullens Mum’s/Fun GardeningClub
Community trip ~ visit to Kew gardens~illuminated trail, 4th January 2014

On 4th January morning weather was dreadful! Heavy rain and strong wind. Cold.
By 2pm rain was drizzling and wind calmed down-hooray!! At 2pm we all meet at Childrens Playground, Pullens Gardens where we had bus and nice driver Jamie waiting for us. Journey lasted 1hour while we all had great opportunity to socialise, share food and receipts.

We arrived at kew at 3pm and we all had warm drink + little snack at Victoria Plaza after which we had browse at the wonderful Kew Garden Shop and (still) Xmas Market.
We arrived at kew at 3pm and we all had warm drink + little snack at Victoria Plaza after which we had browse at the wonderful Kew Garden Shop and (still) Xmas Market.
There were some interesting plants – such as Venus Flytrap -very popular with children!

Round 4.30 we all meet at the giant que and at 4.45 trail started. And wow-what a trail!!! Trees illuminated with colourful lights, sounds of birds and nature, burning lanterns that guide your way,, illuminated lakes with ducks and swans, giant gramophones with strange sounds, buttons that change colours, ring of fire, smells of franken seances, art flower installations… Just amazing!!! We almost didn’t even noticed big puddles of rain and mud we were walking in!!

To sum it all – It was great to get the kids out, in to the woods and get them dirty. It was fantastic that they seen how nature can be wonderful and is not all about screen time. For some who was not the best health wise was very therapeutic beefing there. For some artists -very inspiring…
Comments included;
Another fab event, we had a great time x
Thanks again for today it was great and what a treat. x
Thank you Mum’s Club for organising and making it all happen! Was a great day xx
Another great day guys.
Big thank u to Southwark Council
:-Dthe pleasure was all ours.
It was brilliant!!

Lots of smiles and lots of gratefulness. We are feeling very happy that we have been able to do this. Thank you Southwark Council for your sponsorship.
24 people attended (12 children and 12 grown ups)
Our smallest member – 3 month old girl was sleeping all the way.