Pullens after school gardening club meets to clean up the park -18th May!

Pullens After School Fun Gardening Club

has been awarded funding from Southwark Council. We plan to run series of workshops in the Pullens park and play space, to organise trips to other local parks amd to make and care for new raised beds in the childrens’ playground.

The main aim of the Club is to in courage children and families, the local community and business to use Pullens Open Space more by making it cleaner greener and safer. In the longer term this is the start of a community/led initiative to prove that with some investment the Pullens Park space can play a more central role in the social life of both new and old residetns who live in and around the Pullens.

On Saturday 18th may community volunteering started 10am and finished 5pm
9 adults,  5 children and 1 robin came from the Pullens and beyond – so thanks to all!

We cleaned the children’s playground and the main park filling about 20 big bin bags!

Adults found bags of men’s clothing, spoons,  syringes, alcohol bottles and all kinds of litter while the children weeded the children’s playground, planted sunflowers seeds and a courgette plant, had a picnic and played in the sunshine !

Thanks to  Gabriele who played the guitar and the Pullens TRA for providing the picnic !

Please look out for our next event – all welcome!


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