Vince Brown, Mick Larkin, Jean Reardon, Keisha Johnson, Sarah Timewell, Matthew Doyle, Tony Bourne, Isabel Wreford, Peter Wilkinson, Owen King, Marie Leonard, Frances Gooderson, Liz Cook.
Guests: Cllr Bowman, Yemisi Adebayo, Brendan Gillen, Southwark Council; Kostas Voukelatos, 41 Crimscott Street, Grange Road.
a) Treasurer: Written report circulated.
i) Questions on report – none.
ii) Other Qs: how do people put forward ideas for events?
ii) Website is being set up (written report circulated) and new notice boards are being planned.
b) Chair: written report circulated
i) Since the renovation of the Pullens Centre, there has been much more use made of the hall. More local groups are invited to use the Centre.
ii) Planters and Streetscape: (Iliffe/Peacock./Crampton) – next on list extension of cobbles in Crampton Street, Pilot scheme for bin enclosures.
iii) Also meetings arranged with Yard Business Associations on good neighbourliness and noise and parties.
iv) Pullens Summer event/Olympiad to be arranged in Amelia St early Sept. Report from Ginny agreed and volunteers to indicate on attendance sheet.
v) Pullens Website, proposals from Ginny agreed. Photos/other material or ideas for website to sent to Pullens TRA email and forwarded to Ginny.
vi) As the required quorum of 15 has not been reached by 7.40pm the meeting agreed to continue as an ordinary general meeting to discuss urgent business and future events. Indicative votes would be taken where necessary.
vii) Southwark Trade Union Council had written to ask for TRA support in holding a Pullens wide meeting on the forthcoming TUC 20th October day of protest over jobs pensions and services. The public meeting would explain why the TUC are holding the day of protest and to answer any questions residents may have. An indicative vote was taken and the meeting agreed to back the STUC meeting/question and answer session by offering free use of the Pullens Centre and helping publicise the event.
viii) A draft “Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults” policy was circulated and the meeting asked for comments. An indicative vote supported the draft and the chair ruled that as the draft codified existing policy it would adopted, but should be regarded as a work in progress and would be reviewed and amended as necessary at a future meeting.
Councillor Bowman addressed the meeting
Cllr Bowman reported that
a) The building repairs contractor Morrisons has been given notice.
b) Wates have also ended their contract by “mutual consent” Apollo may take over some contracts.
c) The repairs call centre contract will be back in direct control from October.
a) Safer Neighbourhood Forum:
i) Jean agreed to continue to attend.
ii) Police will attend the estate on 8th August (PC Lulu) to walk and tal with residents about local security.
iii) Police have been withdrawn to cover Olympics and there has been an increase in the number of rough sleeper in the area.
b) Roofs:
i) We to discuss further a policy for sensible use.
c) Cables and aerials:
i) Plans have been revised to take cables down the back but avoiding trip hazards on roof.
ii) Southwark have agreed to put out further guidance to residents making clear installation in to flats is not be compulsory; that it will be possible to have installation in two rooms; and existing dishes can be removed free of charge during the works, but charges may be made later.
d) Housing Investment Programme (HIP):
Ideas needed from Pullens for this programme as soon as possible.
d) Garden Club:
Herb Garden planted in Crampton Street. Walworth Garden Farm to set up training programme in September.
4. AOB
a) Chair said that fresh faces on the committee would be welcome.
b) Ideas for meetings:
i) Provide refreshments at meetings
ii) Invite recycling contractor to a meeting
iii) Committee should invite speakers on HIP, Section 106, and Cleaning to future meetings
c) Yard rubbish collections from the yards are going to be made at night during the Olympics – chair to contact service manager about details and informing residents.