Present: Vince Brown (Chair) , Mick Larkin, Laurence Rugg, Veronica Todisco, Diana Cochrane, Paul O’Connor, Isabel Wreford, Tony Bourne, Kevin Enright, Miriam Jones, Steve Cook, Peter Wilkinson, James Wilcox.
Guests: Leon Williams (Southwark Cleaning Dept) Councillor Catherine Bowman.
Leon Williams (Southwark Cleaning Dept) spoke to the meeting.
There are four cleaners covering Pullens, but there will be no redundancies or reductions in staff. There were questions about schedules, cleaning over doors and meter covers, cleaning walls and windows. He will look into the possibility of sending residents details of schedules particularly walls and windows. He was thanked for arranging for the dog mess to be cleaned from some roofs in Crampton Street.
Chair’s report:
Doors: doors would have to open outward onto pavement – fire issues. The alternatives would be very expensive. A rethink would be needed because of practicalities to be included in the 2015 Housing Investment programme.
Aerials: Good to delay because of the siting of the cables. Once the alternative has been installed, satellite dishes will be removed. If back walls cabled, people would still have a choice of rooms to be cable up.
Agreed to put pressure on LBS for cabling to be routed down the back.
Grants: Southwark have awarded us £1000 for signs and notice boards – we need volunteers to help.
United Saviours charity £760 to set up and develop website. Again vols needed for design.
Future Events: Sports and Cultural Olympics – agreed to organise – helpers needed.
Walworth Garden Farm – to liaise re window boxes and more flowers on the estate.
Energy Saving Measures: We should obtain more info on schemes and draft an article for PEN.
Noisy Neighbours: TRA to draw up guidelines on neighbourliness.
Security: TRA to arrange walkabout with PC Lulu – early June.
Safer Neighbourhood Team should be notified of incidents (020 8721 2437 – day).
Non emergency number and evenings “101”.
Councillor Bowman: Lendlease are the agreed developer for the Elephant. Housing and rebuilt shopping centre. Leisure centre to close in June. South Bank University hoping to open up its sports facilities.
Walworth Community Council is to be merged with Bankside and Borough. Non-strategic planning decisions will revert to the Planning Committee. Grants for Cleaner Greener Scheme, safety and WGF could be in danger.
Noise: This could be a breach of tenancy/lease.
Localism Act allows for the setting up of Parish Councils. Planning not at a local level.
Lendlease: if they fail the sites will be sold off – contracts already signed.
Minutes of the previous meeting: Agreed as a correct record.
Matters arising – none.
Treasurers Report – noted.
Agreed for Peter Wilkinson to take over the bookings at the Centre. Phone number stays the same.
AOB: Planning application has been put in for converting retail units at Printworks to flats. Agreed to oppose as commercial space and jobs are needed in the area (7 for; 1 against; 4 abst).
AGM – to be arranged and notice put in PEN.
Commission on the Future of Council Housing in Southwark is to hold another meeting on 31 May 2012 6.30pm at Amigo Hall next to St Georges cathedral. Notices to be put up.
The Chair thanked everybody for coming.