Apologies: Ginny Stuart, Angela Lucas, Mathew Doyle, Miriam Jones, Linda Bailey.
Estate and local security
Local security: Ward councillor, Patrick Diamond, and PC Michael Lula addressed the meeting on issues of local and estate security.
Patrick Diamond offered to press council officers to urgently fix the new street lighting in peacock St. Also, to raise the issue of council staff and contractors presenting ID cards at the door as a matter of course.
PC Lula suggested that residents consider setting up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme; this could be arranged estate wide or for just a few interested residents.
Pc Lula also offered to arrange an ‘estate walk’ where residents could walk the estate with one of the local Crime Prevention Officers discussing how to improve safety as ‘on the spot’.
Literature was handed out on property marking and cycle tagging.
It was agreed that Jean would attend local safety forums on behalf of the TRA.
Estate security: Entry doors were discussed in detail and it was reported back to the meeting by officers that after a scoping study by Southwark Council it was estimated that leaseholders would be charged around £1,200 in total and tenants £1 per week in perpetuity.
There were a number of practical issues, LBS were insisting that doors open outwards for safety reasons and that this meant fitting guard rails to the pavements and may thereby need pavement extensions. Planning permission for this was not guaranteed and these works would raise the costs, though Southwark had not provided an estimate for this.
A lively discussion was had on the issues and it was agreed that before on any decision on whether to ask for a ballot was taken, officers should continue discussions with Southwark and look at ways of reducing costs to leaseholders (for tenants the £1 per week is a standard charge) and overcoming the practical issues.
It was suggested that more social use of the roofs by residents would ‘reclaim’ the space and help improve security.
Another suggestion was that CCTV monitoring of the street could be considered
One possibility on reducing costs was asking for finance under the next Southwark 5-year Housing Improvement Programme and councillor Diamond offered to talk to TRA officers about the best way of raising this.
On the practical issues, it was asked whether there were some way the doors could open inwards and still meet safety and access regulations, and TRA officers will look into this.
It was noted and generally agreed that the environmental impact of fitting entry doors on both the appearance of the building and the possibility of noise and other nuisance should be given proper consideration. The issue of postal deliveries would have to be considered
Further reports will be given in PEN and at the next general meeting.
At the end of this Discussion PC Lula and his team had to leave and were thanked by the meeting.
Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising.
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record.
Parking bays: despite recent changes following TRA protest it was still not clear whether the number of resident’s bays were now returned to the pre-works level. Patrick Diamond offered to help the TRA pursue this matter.
Licensing: Councillor Diamond had also raised objections to an increase in the number of beds at John Smith House and would pursue the matter along with the TRA.
Estate cleaning: Southwark were prevaricating on issuing to all residents a cleaning schedule for each stairwell. Councillor Diamond offered to help the TRA pursue this matter.
The issue was raised of some resident’s dogs fouling the roofs, causing a nuisance and discouraging other residents from using the roofs. TTRA officers will look into this and meantime asked residents to complain to Southwark and copy the complaint to the TRA.
Leisure Centre, it was noted that the Elephant & castle leisure centre was shortly to be closed down and it would be some time before a new centre would be re-opened. Moreover, the leisure centre was to be considerable scaled down. It was unclear what could be done at this late stage but TRA officers would investigate.
Communal satellite dishes: Southwark had announced that communal satellite dishes would be fitted on the roofs in the very near future. TRA officers to arrange urgent discussion with Southwark on the matter.
Heygate: It was unclear whether there were to be further consultations regarding the Heygate development at HUB in the Walworth Road, Diana will contact Soundings about this.
King’s Hill: Mick to investigate (?)
Pullens Centre: An application for a halls grant to refurbish the downstairs had been made and it was agreed to match up to £2,000 of TRA funds for, furnishings, equipment, and decorating. Still awaiting outcome of cleaner greener grant for notice board and sign.
Garden club: Preparation for Spring in hand, more news soon.
Meeting ended