Pullens TRA – Minutes – General Meeting 28 June 2011
1,Apologies for absence – Al Hayes
2,Attendance – Vince Brown, Mick Larkin, Linda Bailey, Keisha Johnson, Angela Lucas, Simon Hiscock, Tom Nelson, Andy Scott, Cath Bradley, Mark Frith, Bill Stewart, Jemma Tibbals, Gabrielle Tosti, Dylan Atkins, Mari Tosti, Chris Heighes, Sarah Timewell, Richard Hoey, Peter Wilkinson, Steve Cook, Matthew Doyle, Leigh Francis, Scot Poules, Miriam Jones, Sam Stewart.
Guest: Nat Stevens – Housing Manager.
3.Election of Secretary – no nominations or volunteers. To be included on Agenda for next General Meeting.
4.Accounts for 2011: It was agreed to accept the accounts for the year to 31st May 2011. Also agreed to reappoint June Mowat of Sterling Accountancy as auditor for the coming year.
5.Chairs Report: A written report was circulated.
The points raised were:
Iliffe and Crampton St works are beginning. Bike lockers being moved. Orchard planting to begin soon in conjunction with Walworth Garden Farm (WGF). It was agreed for Vince to reclaim fares for visit to Orchard nursery and the TRA to claim this back from the Council. A meeting is to be arranged with WGF as soon as possible. Bin enclosures were regarded as priority – now just a pilot. TRA to write to Council, architects and councillors to ask for clarification of future plans for rubbish collections in regard to ameliorating Amelia plans.
Peter Wilkinson to take up collection times and frequency of collection of recycling containers in Crampton St, Amelia St and Hampton St at cleaning meetings.
Estate Cleaning: FOI Act reply states that stairs should be swept and mopped at least twice a week. This is charged in rents and service charges. A supplementary FOI will be needed to get the days and frequency etc of cleaning. Nat Stevens reported that the HousingOfficer and the TRA must agree the inspection reports and that she will report back to TRA meetings on issues raised on the monthly inspections. TRA to email Angela Newell and let her know when meetings are.
Noise and antisocial behavior in yards: Vince to contact yards association re noise and reminder about complying with leases.
Security: Agreed that a wider debate is necessary with much more information about costs and knock-on effects if doors are to be fitted on the stairwells. Council Housing Investment Programme is going out to consultation very soon. Agreed to at least ask for an Option Appraisal to include Pullens in programme if necessary.
Agreed to put more notices outside Centre for important local meetings and estate inspections (now held on first Friday of each month 10.00am meet outside Centre). Committee is to investigate possibility of using Yahoo or facebook to get information out.
Digital Switchover – need to get information sent to Diana by cllr Patrick Diamond when she gets back from holiday.
Centre – agreed to make more use of the Centre. Committee to draft new hire charges to put to next General Meeting.
Agreed to distribute a list of meetings, forums etc to all residents.
Mick Larkin